Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Reckless...Abandoned (Officially)

If you've talked with me in the past month (or longer) about what I'm reading, I probably said Reckless by Cornelia Funke.  The problem is just that...a month and a half to read a YAF novel??  I guess you could say I'm in a Funke...ok, bad joke, I know.  Admittedly, I'm a slow reader...always have been.  I think, though, that I've had a case of reader's block.  I didn't really intend any philosophical meaning when I titled my blog "Reader's Block," but it seems one has manifested itself.  I guess I'm deeper than I thought.

The biggest frustration for me is that I cannot bring myself to finish this book.  I've tried.  I've fought.  I've even struggled, but it's like a looming obstacle that I just need to give up.  I struggled with the book for several reasons.  First, I am not good with all-out fantasy.  Something about journeying to a fictional world is just not that appealing.  That, I know, is my own problem.  I kept telling myself, "Just get over it!"  I've read other fantasy books and liked them, but not this one.  Maybe Funke's world behind the mirror is just too confusing for me.  That brings me to my second complaint:  what the heck is going on?!  Stone people and fox people and Edward-freaking-scissor-hands?  Really?  Third, there are too many story lines.  I think that may have been confused and magnified by the omniscient narrator, but I still don't know with which main character I was supposed to form a connection.  I know that in the end it will all pan out and I will see how the dark fairy is related to the fox girl, but I'm halfway through the novel.  Finally, I feel like I wasted my time, and I don't know any students to whom I could recommend this book.  I would like to be able to recommend every book I read, but I know there will be some I just don't like.  I think there must be a kid out there who would like it, but if I'm confused, I wouldn't want to share this disgruntled feeling with them.

There's this gut feeling I have, like Dory in Finding Nemo, "just keep reading, reading, reading."  Eventually, if I swim through enough...uhhh...seaweed, yeah, that's what I'll call it, I will find what I'm looking for.  Unfortunately, I'm giving up.  I'll never know because I just can't take it anymore. 

Next novel:  The Thief  by Megan Whalen Turner

And one more thing...deceptively cool cover for Reckless.  I do judge books by their cover, and that is just so sneaky of them.

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate! I have to give you props for getting half way through, though. I gave up on page 5. I know... kinda wussy, but I think I'm just at the point where there are too many great books out there that I'd rather spend my time reading. It's not worth the struggle for me anymore! I have learned to close a book and return it (unread) to the library guilt-free. I guess it just goes to show how important that "hook" really is! Thank you for sharing, and I love the Dory comment! That's exactly how I feel with certain pieces of classic literature. Throw me something - anything - by Hemingway, and I feel the same way!
